

Dr Evguenia Alexandrova is the Hartree Centre Training Manager, STFC. She has over 20 years of experience in the field. She was a Professional Training Coordinator at BSC, Barcelona (2011- 16), and the PATC coordinator at BSC in PRACE IPs 1-5. 2000 – 2011, she was a PG Studies Coordinator at the School of Systems Engineering and ACET Centre at the University of Reading. Her research is in collaborative learning in technology-rich environments and implementing computational science research methods and HPC tools in education and training. She holds a PhD from University of Reading, Pedagogical Models and Management Factors for Creating Successful Courses at the Postgraduate Level in an Interactive Collaborative Learning Environment. She co-edited and co-authored the book Technological Advances in Interactive Collaborative Learning, (ISBN: 978-1-4665-0208-6) and 30 research papers in journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. She is co-chairing workshops at several international conferences
Chair of Sessions