

Robert W. Wisniewski
Dr. Robert W. Wisniewski is a Senior Vice President, Chief Architect of HPC, and the Head of Samsung's SAIT Systems Architecture Lab. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and IEEE Senior Member. The System Architecture Lab is innovating technology to overcome the memory and communication walls for HPC and AI applications. He has published over 80 papers in the area of high performance computing, computer systems, and system performance, has filed over 60 patents with 46 issued, has an h-index of 41 with over 7400 citations, and has given over 84 external invited presentations. Prior to joining Samsung, he was an Intel Fellow and CTO and Chief Architect for High Performance Computing at Intel. He was the technical lead and PI for Aurora, the supercomputer to be delivered to Argonne National Laboratory that will achieve greater than an exaflop of computation. He was also the lead architect for Intel's cohesive and comprehensive software stack that was used to seed OpenHPC, and served on the OpenHPC governance board as chairman. Before Intel, he was the chief software architect for Blue Gene Research and manager of the Blue Gene and Exascale Research Software Team at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Facility, where he was an IBM Master Inventor and led the software effort on Blue Gene/Q, which received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, was the most powerful computer in the world in June 2012, and occupied 4 of the top 10 positions on the Top 500 list.
Middleware and System Software
Programming Frameworks and System Software
Runtime Systems