

Quentin F. Stout is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of Michigan. He teaches the graduate Parallel Computing class, which is an important component of the university-wide Scientific Computing degree program, and graduate Algorithms, a core component of the CSE graduate degrees. He has been the director of the Center for Parallel Computing; been chair of the Software Systems Research Lab and the Theory Lab; and helped start the Hardware Lab.

His research involves a variety of topics in parallel and serial computing. He has done work on the design of optimal adaptive clinical trials, car crash simulation, space weather simulation, climate modeling, etc. He has been on advisory panels for DOE, NSF, NASA, NSA and various states; and he and his students have been supported by multiple federal agencies and companies including IBM, Google, Apple, Intel, Microsoft, JP Morgan, and GlaxoSmithKline.
Heterogeneous Computing
Message Passing