

Dr. Ganesh Sivaraman is a Research Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Previously, he was an Assistant Computational Scientist at the Data Science and Learning Division at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). He spends a lot of time thinking about problems at the interface of computational physics, chemical science, and machine learning. Ganesh was a postdoctoral appointee at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, ANL co-supervised by Dr. Álvaro Vázquez Mayagoitia and Prof. Jacqueline Cole (University of Cambridge). During his postdoctoral years, he was working with leadership class supercomputers to deliver scientific solutions for leading experimentalists in the domain of chemical physics, including on a number of interdisciplinary projects such as: natural language process for literature mining of optoelectronic molecules, implementation of active learning for the Gaussian Approximation Potential method, and ML-based molecular melting point predictions.